Homeowners Association

HarborPlace Tower

Telephone Numbers

Front Desk:    562.435.2803

Association Office: 562.436.6644

Advisors for Board Committees Sought

The Board is seeking advisors to serve as resources for the Board committees.  The committees will hold periodic open meetings, keep and distribute minutes, receive and research ideas, and recommend actions to the full Board.


If you are interested in serving as an advisor of one of these committees, please let the manager know or notify the chair of the committee or just come to meetings


Check the Calendar page for dates and times.

Note:  These forms may be filled out online by placing your cursor on the first field, entering your data, then using your tab key to go to the next field, and so on.  When all data is entered, click on the print icon and your completed form will print.

Remodeling Rules and Architectural Application  (updated 9/12/17)


Social Area and Conference Room Reservation  (updated 11/13/14)


Homeowner Association Forms and Instructions



These may be found by clicking here or on the “Homeowners Only” Navigation bar to the left.


Homeowner Association Meeting Minutes and Other HOA Communications




Finance and Projects Committee - 


· Reviews the financial status of the HPT HOA and provides planning assistance, guidance and makes recommendations to the HOA Board

· Identifies, prioritizes, assesses, and tracks projects (both current and future) for the HOA and makes recommendations to the Board

· Provides a forum for discussion of HOA projects and funding outside the formal monthly Board meeting


Committee meetings are open, and homeowners are encouraged to attend if only to be informed about the subject.  Membership on the committees is not mandatory…just come and learn.

Board Committees


Board Members




Home Page

Homeowners Only

Homeowners’ Forum


Homeowners Association

Helpful Links

About HarborPlace

Ed Robinson……….....President

Robert Stanton ......Vice President

Ellen Serbin............Secretary

Bob Lambros…........Treasurer

Director at Large…...Pawel Janowski