Homeowners’ Forum and articles |
HarborPlace Tower |
The Homeowners’ Forum is a new feature of this site to facilitate the communication of ideas to the community. Each month, the board will suggest topics for which homeowners are encouraged to comment on. Of course, we welcome comments on any topic of general interest to homeowners. These can be informational in nature, or maybe even “fun” type articles or serious letters to the editor. The following are guidelines for submitting articles or letters. The board reserves the right to modify these guidelines as circumstances require and will be posted as they occur
1. Letters and articles should serve a positive or constructive purpose. 2. All letters and articles must include the name of the writer. The name will be published. 3. The Board reserves the right to edit the length of the letter or article. 4. The Forum should not be viewed as a substitute for regular channels (i.e., informing the manager of a maintenance issue). 5. Articles and letters should be of general interest and not deal with a specific, individual complaint unless it illustrates a general problem. This includes disputes between individuals. 6. Articles and letters should concern some item of information of interest to homeowners or should comment on an HOA issue. 7. Any article which could be interpreted as a personal attack on an individual will not be used. 8. Please include your name, unit number, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address (only your name will be published)
How to submit your own comments
To be heard, please send an email to: forum@harborplacetower.org Please include the following: 1. Your Name 2. Your Unit Number 3. Your daytime phone number 4. The subject of your topic in the subject field of your email, and 5. The text of your message
Note: For privacy purposes, only your name and message will be published.
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